Getting started

Time to start setting up your editor.

Getting the server ready on a computer

Getting the project to run on your server is not an issue: Go to our repository ( and download the files:

You can also use the following:

$ git clone

you should then extract the resulting .zip file into your desired repository then cd into the folder as so:

$ cd "/folder/folder/PIE-Nodejs-master"

You then should choose either option:


$ yarn install && yarn start

Node Package Manager

$ npm install && npm start

Any changes made to index.js file will require a server restart but any .html file changes will apply straight away after you save.


In order to run it on, go to, login (or signup if you do not have an account) and then go to

In the top left corner, there is the name of the project, "PIE Nodejs", click on the name and you should see the button outlined in red:

When you click on this button, the project will be copied into your user account. After "forking" the project, you can just click run as everything has been set up for you.

Any changes made to index.js file will require a server restart but any .html file changes will apply straight away after you save.

Last updated